Over the last week, President Trump has been urging his supporters to gather in Washington D.C. on January 6, the day of the upcoming joint session of Congress. On that day, the entire U.S. Congress will collectively decide whether or not to certify the Electoral College votes.

Supporters of the current President will begin marching on Washington at 9 AM to ‘StopTheSteal,’ along with several high-profile Conservatives, such as Mike Lindell, making a commitment to speak at the event.

President Trump wrote to his Twitter account on January 3 that he will attend the event, calling it a “Historic Day.” This was his first announcement that he will be in attendance that day. It is unclear at this time whether he plans to speak or not.

Support in Congress to object to the Electoral College votes has been steadily growing over the last week, with at least 50 House Representatives willing to decertify according to House Rep. Mo Brooks. “The momentum to fight against voter fraud and election theft is rapidly gaining, and as a consequence, the numbers that we had who were supportive yesterday are almost always supplemented by reinforcements today and the next day,” Brooks stated in an interview with Fox News.