President Trump and his legal team are continuing to investigate the allegations of voter fraud in their endeavor to challenge the results of the 2020 presidential election. The President opened up about the progress they have made in a radio show hosted by Rudy Guliani on WABC radio.

We’re getting closer and closer, and I hope you let everybody know we’re actually very close,” President Trump said about their progress in contesting the election. “The fake news will not tell you that. They don’t want to talk about it. They’re trying to suppress it. We don’t have freedom of the press at all. It’s suppressed news. It’s a terrible thing that’s happened in our country. It’s been going on for, it started a long time ago, but it’s gotten to a point, it’s a terrible thing. It’s not freedom of the press, and we got to bring that back, because the press is so suppressed. It’s so dishonest. I don’t even call it fake news anymore. I call it corrupt news,”

They are currently challenging the results in Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Michigan, among other states across the country. A recent audit in Michigan found that Dominion’s voting machines were responsible for the ‘vote flip’ that allegedly happened across the 28 states that used Dominion Voting Systems.

The President went on to say his team has “uncovered voter fraud, the greatest voter fraud in history,” and finished by calling the recent presidential election “the most corrupt election this country has ever had by far.” He also alleged that there are “hundreds of thousands” of fraudulent signatures in Georgia that his team wants to verify.

Georgia started a state-wide effort on Monday to match signatures but President Trump does not believe they will handle the strive correctly, “They’re not starting them in the right location. They’re starting them in areas which are not very troubled, and will still find a lot,” he continued “they should let us do signature counts in the proper locations. And you will see hundreds of thousands of fraudulent signatures, or signatures that don’t even exist.”

The full radio interview with the President can be found here