Saying prayers and citing Bible verses in order to get through the difficult times is something humans have done all over the world for thousands of years. Now many are sharing heart-felt prayers and quoting the Bible to lift each other up since the COVID 19 outbreak began.

But according to Florida State Senator Tina Polsky, Senator Marco Rubio is wasting his time tweeting his “Bible verses.”

Senator Rubio tweets scripture on a regular basis for himself and to inspire Americans whenever the chips appear to be down. In response to a tweet Sen. Rubio sent out this past Sunday, where Rubio expressed how Americans were fed up with politicians’ double standards on mask mandates and stay at home orders, Polsky said she believes Rubio should stop whining and be tweeting more “helpful” things in regard to the pandemic.

“It’s very simple Senator,” stated Polsky. “If you would advocate wearing masks and social distancing, we could have all businesses open. Your bible verses haven’t much helped this situation improve. How about tweeting something helpful and actually represent your constituents. Whining isn’t it.”

The Rubio tweet Polsky took issue with:

“People are tired of being told they have to stay home & can’t work or open their business by people who break their own rules and haven’t missed a paycheck.”

Rubio’s statement is true of many who see that legislators and governors around the country have been caught violating their very own travel restrictions and COVID mandates. California Governor Gavin Newsom, Austin Mayor Steve Adler, and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, to name a few, have all been caught red-handed violating their own mask mandates and social distancing orders.

Polsky may have been making assumptions when she decided to respond to Rubio’s tweet. Considering that the senior senator has always advocated for masks to be worn, supported social distancing, and has shared critical COVID-19 relief information, Polsky’s response to Rubio comes across as snarky and anti-religion.

Very few Republican law-makers have come out against the safety practices, including Rubio, who has always pushed for the use of the “damn mask.”

“The area where I think we have to definitely really surge on is nursing homes, ALFs [assisted living facilities], congregate living facilities that have a high number of people or obviously populations of people that are high risk. Those are the places where you’re really going to cut down the death rate if you can prevent outbreaks … and that’s where I hope we focus both our testing and our prevention effort,” Rubio told reporters after a GOP lunch with Vice President Pence. “And then everyone should just wear a damn mask, like you guys are, like I am right now.” (Hill)

Meanwhile, Rubio has been credited with pushing forward the successful PPP plan that has saved thousands of small businesses and referred to as a “vital lifeline” during the pandemic.