During an appearance on CNN, Senator Jeanne Shaheen equated the Republican Senate and House Members that are questioning the results of the election to committing treason against the country. She did not mention, however, that the avenues at which President Trump and his followers are going to challenge the election results are completely legal and are in place for that very reason.

According to Senator Shaheen, “These senators and members of Congress who have refused to acknowledge that we had a free and fair election in which Joe Biden beat Donald Trump by over 7 million votes, are bordering on sedition and treason.” Does she actually believe they should be charged with a crime that carries the death penalty? Then what would she call the last four years of blatant attacks and, what some would call, the attempted coup, against our duly elected president?

She not only fails to understand that contesting an election in the US has happened numerous times, but that Conservatives feel cheated and are hesitant to look at former Vice President Joe Biden as legitimate, at least until all of the allegations of voter fraud and irregularities are investigated to the fullest extent. But when Democrats, like Senator Shaheen, stand in the way of that and tell us we are participating in treason for even questioning those results, it makes it seem like they may be wary of what the ongoing investigations might turn up.