After months of debate, Congress has finally approved the second stimulus package. The $2.3 trillion package includes pandemic relief, defense funds, and foreign aid. The bill is 5,593 pages long and is expected to be signed by President Trump within a matter of days.

Over half of the stimulus package’s funds will be going towards an omnibus bill that will be used to beef up the defense of partner nations. Those nations being Israel, Vietnam, Burma, Cambodia, and Nepal.

Many top Republicans in the Legislator have complained that the Democrats in the house voted to suspend their rule that allowed everyone 72 hours to read a bill before voting on it. With this rule suspended, Congress had 8 hours to read and decide to vote on one of the longest bills in American history.

Many Americans, from both sides of the political spectrum, are not happy with the Stimulus Package on the other hand. #VoteThemAllOut was trending on Twitter immediately following the announcements of the bill.

Americans are not happy that over half of the funds included in the stimulus package will be going to other countries’ defense spending, especially when so many people have been waiting for this second relief package for nearly 9 months. President Trump has not made any comments about his opinions on the bill at this time.