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General Flynn Says There Is A “Coup In Progress” – Describes Democrats Efforts To Unseat Trump
Retired General Michael Flynn has strong words for the Democrat party, calling some to be involved in a proverbial coup against the President. "There is still a coup in progress," he said during a recent public appearance. The retired General went on to refer to the...

Trump Calls For Bravery Ahead Of Key Electoral Dates
When asked about conceding the presidential election, Trump responded with a message of bravery, 'It will take a brave judge, or a brave legislature...or a brave justice." With upcoming key dates on the horizon, the Trump team appears to have a two-front strategy that...

Pennsylvania Court Rejects Trump Campaign Appeal to Block Certification
“We are very thankful to have had the opportunity to present proof and the facts to the PA state legislature,” Jenna Ellis tweeted. “On to SCOTUS!”

“We’re Going To Take Our Power Back” – PA Legislature To Appoint Electors
In a show of force, Pennsylvania's republican-controlled state legislature is projected to move the power of seating electors to the Electoral College. This bid would move the power from the Governor and Secretary of State's offices to the state's House and Senate....

Amistad Project Files Lawsuit Asking MI Supreme Court To Reject 2020 Election Results
A lawsuit has been filed, requesting the Michigan Supreme Court to invalidate the results from the Michigan election, claiming widespread voter fraud. Phil Kline, leader of the Amistad Project (the group that had filed the suit) said the fraud, "deprived the people of...

YouTube Wants You To Know You Are Horrible – Sends Out Cringey (and weird) Thanksgiving Tweets
You've put away your dishes. You've had your nap. You've put the leftovers in the fridge and, barring any unwanted arguments with family, you probably had an alright Thanksgiving yesterday. But here's the rub....yesterday wasn't Thanksgiving. Believe it or not, your...

Cancel Culture Strikes Again – Johnny Depp Fired
he had been “asked to resign” after he lost a libel suit

$1.1 Trillion Lost & 7,200 Dead – Looking Into The Consequences Of A COVID Shutdown
The Hill put out an interesting article regarding the severe consequences resulting from governmental shutdowns and restrictions. The CCP virus has been exhausting for all of us. From confusing regulations, shutdowns, loss of jobs, and inability to attend church, we...

Nevada Judge Agrees To Hear From Trump Campaign On December 3rd
A Nevadan judge has agreed to hear from GOP representatives regarding voter fraud in the state. First Judicial District Court Judge James Russell has set a December 3rd hearing date. The hearing is projected to review evidence prepared by the Trump Campaign leagal...

Religious Liberty Wins! – Trump Commemorates Supreme Court Decision Ruling Andrew Cuomo’s Restriction Unlawful
In a win for religious liberty, the Supreme Court has ruled Andrew Cuomo's restrictions on attending places of worship to be unlawful. The restrictions have been the point of severe contention due to their sharp focus on the religious. Many have asserted that the...